Region: Mbozi District, Songwe
Producer: Heyza AMCOS
Processing: Washed
Varieties: Kent, Bourbon, N39
Elevation: 1600 MASL


We needed something special, another “hidden gem,” for the company’s first African coffee; something with cherished tropical sugars and particular acids.  Enter this exceptional Tanzania peaberry, a coffee that manages to distinguish itself quite highly within its sense of place.

Many the aficionado has had peaberry coffee over the years.  The peaberry is a rightfully coveted coffee variety, notably focused and consistent in flavor.

This Hezya Peaberry is distinguished for its uplifting experience across the spectrum of preparation methods. For a peaberry coffee, it is exceptionally sweet and complex with a rounded mouthfeel. This is an enthralling coffee to enjoy with others, or to create an inspired everyday moment.

Almost all coffees in Tanzania are able to reach export through an AMCOS (Agricultural Marketing Cooperative Society).  The Hezya AMCOS began with 50 small farmers, quickly growing to 295 farmers across three villages in the Mbozi District of southern Songwe.  With the growth of forward-thinking AMCOS like Hezya, the overall potential for coffee quality in Tanzania is on the rise and becoming a secure economic force. Read more.

This peaberry lot is impeccably sorted, cleanly washed, and dried at one location, resulting in brilliant flavors that champion Specialty Coffee.  The accomplishment of these farmers is noted on multiple scales. 

“Will I love the flavor?”  Yes, do you enjoy sweet, aromatic coffee?  The Hezya Peaberry is established upon black tea, passion and stone fruits, and chocolate.  These notes seamlessly express across the roast spectrum, ranging from crisp, floral, and golden, to indelible Hong Cha, purple fruit, and chocolate at the darker roast levels. We have enjoyed lighter roasts as pourovers, with unfolding layers of citrus and berry fruits. Decadent dark roasts yield surprisingly amazing espresso shots and presses that seamlessly blend with milk.

We are grateful to have found this coffee. You will love it, too!